fillings done on front teeth
If you have lost either all or some of your teeth and need effective replacement with either full or partial dentures, Dream Smile can provide you with superior quality dentures that look as natural and life like as possible. There is never any compromise, accurate measurements are taken to ensure a superior fit and level of comfort.
Although there are several methods to replace missing teeth, some methods such as individual dental implants or bridges may not be suitable in all circumstances or be your desired choice of treatment.
At Dream Smile we will clearly advise you about every option to replace your missing teeth, your suitability, the pros and cons and the fees involved.
Partial dentures are supported by the remaining teeth and gums and can replace either a single tooth or multiple teeth. They are made with either a high quality acrylic base or a thin, yet extremely durable metal base called cobalt chrome. Usually partial dentures have metal clasps that fit around selected teeth to help keep the denture in position. We strive to keep the metal clasps out of view. Alternatively, the clasp can be hidden into customised slots placed inside specially designed crowns. The partial dentures we provide are carefully designed to function and blend-in with the look of your remaining natural teeth so that they are comfortable and as life like as possible.
Thousands of patients worldwide are wearing Sunflex Partial Dentures. In comparison to acrylic partials, Sunflex is lightweight, more comfortable and practically invisible, with no metal clasps.
You will benefit from the natural tissue blend effect of the thin clasp design and the translucency that picks up the natural tissue tone. Virtually invisible, Sunflex Partial Dentures give you the confidence you want in each and every smile.ComfortPartial dentures constructed with Sunflex can be made very thin, reducing the bulk required for strength in acrylic base materials. The thinness yields more sensation while the flexibility of the material absorbs a portion of the shock of movement. From the moment you insert your partial through continued wear, you should experience both minimal obstruction and minimal reaction to the stresses normally produced by inflexible dentures. Durability Sunflex provides exceptional strength and will not deteriorate or break down when it comes into contact with the fluids, bacteria and physical environment of the mouth.
Whether you already wear dentures or are thinking that they may be your final choice, let Dr. Tehranian can evaluate you to see if implant retained dentures will allow you more freedom with smiling, talking and chewing.
For your complimentary consultation, contact Dream Smile Dental Clinic today!