Teeth alignment done with Invisalign treatment
The most common cause of darker pigments in the gums is genetics. Excess melanin can build up in the gums, making them look brown or black instead of pink. This is more common in certain ethnic groups like people with African or Middle Eastern ancestry. The extra pigment does not indicate any disease or dysfunction.Patients seek treatment because of an aesthetic preference for pink gums that showcase their teeth better.
Other causes for dark gums include smoking, side effects from certain medications and possible effect of amalgam fillings on the gum.
Dream Smile Dental Clinic is one of the only clinics to offer Laser Gum Bleaching ( Depigmentation ) .
What Is the Healing Process Like?
Patients who utilize a dental laser can expect minor discomfort and no complications after the treatment. Patients with very sensitive gums may experience some discomfort for a short period of time. Patients can expect to be able to speak and eat normally immediately after the treatment is completed.
Everything heals in about 2 weeks .
The Pictures you see on our Gallery are all patients that had review appointment 2 weeks after the treatment .
How Long Does the Gum De-pigmentation Treatment Last?
One gum depigmentation treatment can last 20 years or up to a lifetime.
How Long Does the Treatment Take?
The procedure takes 20-45 minutes depending on the colour and size of the dark patch. We will give you local anaesthetic to make the procedure as comfortable as possible .
What happens if I still have a few pigments left once the gums have healed.
On your review appointment we can go over the areas that you can still see some pigmentation .
Can I smoke ?
We encourage all smokers to stop smoking completely after the procedure as smoking is one of the causes of pigmentation.
You need to stop smoking for at least 7 days after the procedure .
How much does it cots ?
If you wish to have your upper gums treated only , the procedure cost £495 (£41.25/ month 12 month 0% finance ) , this includes a review after 2 -3 weeks to do any patches that need re treated.
To have upper and lower gums treated this cost £795 (£66.25 ,12 month 0% finance ) . This includes a review after 2 -3 weeks to do any patches that need re treated.
Laser Gum Depigmentation vaporizes and removes a thin top layer of the gum tissue, destroying the cells that produce melanin. As new tissue is created during healing, it tends to be pink rather than brown. The treatment may require a local anesthetic injection and has a short recovery time with manageable discomfort. Sometime depending on the colour and depth of the dark patch, it could take several sessions to achieve the desired degree of lightening. Dream Smile Dental Clinic is one of handful clinics in London that offers this treatment equipt with the latest laser equipment.
The main guideline is simply that the gums must be healthy. We can assess your gum health at the free consultation that you have with our dentist.
This cosmetic treatment is not suitable for: