Invisalign and emax veneers
Maintenance of healthy teeth, gums and fresh breath is simple if it is done regularly by using good home techniques and on average, six monthly visits to Dream Smile Dental Clinic We can then identify any changes to your teeth or gums and pick up any potential concerns before they have a chance to develop.
Our holistic approach is designed to thoroughly analyse all aspects of your dental health and well being. Your hygiene maintenance appointments combined with our comprehensive examination covers a wide range of areas. This includes monitoring of many conditions such as gum recession, hairline cracks in your teeth, dietary habits, jaw joint imbalances and oral cancer screening.
Daily dental flossing at a time that suits you best is recommended as brushing alone does not clean effectively around all the surfaces of your teeth. If the gum bleeds when you floss or brush don’t let this put you off. Gums often bleed from areas that are inflamed. These areas will require more attention than normal to heal up, not less!
Few people have such a thorough brushing and flossing routine that they would not benefit from the use of mouthwash and or specialised gels. An excellent daily mouthwash can help eliminate food debris and bacteria that has not all been removed by brushing and flossing and can be very effective at combating bad breath and decay. We can also explain about mouthwashes and specialised gels that are particularly helpful in preventing decay in those prone to ongoing problems or in treating gum disease.
Tongue cleaning is an important part of your oral hygiene and fresh breath program. The back of the tongue is a reservoir for organisms that cause gum disease, tooth decay and bad breath. A tooth brush can be used on your tongue to gently sweep this substance away to reduce the bacteria in your mouth and freshen your breath.
The frequency of eating sugary foods and drinks including dried fruits, cough lollies, muesli bars, fruit juices, citrus drinks, cordials, sugar in coffee or tea etc can have an enormous impact especially with regards to the development of decay. We can advise you about your individual circumstance and the best ways to reduce your decay risk.